her girl friends left the house with a testimony In their hearts that the Spirit of the Lord was greater than the Spirit of the evil power.
        It was the year 1869 when these last named young people left their native land for new adventure.
        The Union Pacific Railroad was completed to Ogden and they did not have to walk across the lonely plains as so many others had done. The next recordings we have of those young people was when Father received a letter from his sister Ann. It stated that she and her brother, Thomas, were at their father’s home in Parley’s canyon, and would he be able to come and get them? Why, of course, Father would go and get them. He wanted to see them. Six long years had passed since he had left them and his dear mother in England. He wanted to hear about his mother and the rest of his family. He was glad to receive the letter, and glad that his brother and sister had arrived. He enjoyed the trip to Salt Lake City, perhaps more than any trip he had ever before made and he had been over the road many times. And yet, all the time, he was worried. Why was he worried? I will tell you. I have heard the story many times. He had no decent place to take a sister just fresh from the city where she had previously had a comfortable home. He had no home of his own now. He had worked hard but everybody was poor. They could not help each other much. Father and Uncle John had been given permission to move into the dirt roof house owned by the Walkers of Salt Lake City and afterwards purchased by John Fowers. The house had no floor in it except the natural earth. He would do his best to please his sister. It would be nice to have her to cook for the two brothers, John and William. I think Aunt Ann may have been a little shrewd in handling her brother, William. He arrived at the Father’s home in Parley’s Canyon. They had a good visit together. She had talked to him of Mother and all the folks back home, and now they would soon be leaving on the return trip to Wasatch, a long day’s drive with a wagon. But there was something else that grieved Ann, because she didn’t want to leave Nellie. "William," said Aunt Ann, "Will you do me one more favor?" Nellie Widdison came with me from England. She is now in the city at the home of her sister Mary Ann. We have been together so long. I don’t feel that I can leave her. Will you please go and get her? What could he say? What should he do? He wanted to please his sister. He had known Nellie Widdison in England, then a little girl, fourteen years old. She was now a grown up young women, twenty years of age, cultured and refined. I think they only had to see each other again to feel at home in each other’s presence, and I think it would not be hard for William to persuade Nellie to go with them to Charleston. She, too, was homesick and she longed for home and friends and she didn’t want Ann, her closest friend, to leave her. She was disappointed and very much grieved because two of her own dear sisters whom she expected to see when she arrived in Salt Lake City were not there to meet her. They had become dissatisfied, apostatized, if you please. Yes, had left the church, and retraced many a step over the long pioneer trail. John Craddock and Jane stopped in Nebraska where they made their home. Joseph and Elizabeth Squires continued on to Brooklyn, New York, where they afterwards made their home. That, I think, was one of the most trying times of Mother’s life. I have oft times sat and listened to the stories my mother and father told us. My mother grieved because her sisters had apostatized, but she was full of faith and thankful for her testimony and faith in the church. After arriving in Salt Lake City, she felt as if almost alone, only one sister

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